Thursday 18 October 2012

Dr Michael Allen Weight Loss - Why Choose Couer dAlene Fat Loss?

Fat loss or weight loss and often proved to be the talk of the day. You can find almost any place in this "extra effort" to stay in shape. While there are some lucky this test, others may be simple and finally give their dream of losing weight. So, what do you think of such a situation is what? An idea? Well, this is the answer - lack of motivation! Yes, if we do not get the desired results within a prescribed period, we often give our notion of fat loss. Therefore, make sure you do not fall victim to this situation. In addition, you should consider taking a few things to increase your fat burning potential. Here we go,

The success of your fat loss will depend on how prepared you are for this purpose. Fat loss is something that can not be reached overnight. Instead, you must spend the time and effort required for the same.
If you want to succeed in your business dr michael allen weight loss, then you must focus on your goal. You need to sit meaningful goals and try to satisfy them fully. You can try, including short-term, long-term and medium-term objectives in order to maximize your chances scope.
Do not be demotivated. Keep an eye on the foods you eat. Check your weight at least once a month, so how can you lose weight in a month. Keep track of your food intake and eating habits contributes to proper weight management. Make sure you limit your food five or six times. Food consumption does nutrient absorption and digestion of food. And our body needs energy to carry out the digestion and absorption processes effectively. Limit the number of meals five or six times to improve the metabolic rate of your body. As a result, your body will have more energy because there is no need for frequent caloric intake. Make sure each meal is comprised of a high protein diet. Choose a selection of foods such as eggs, poultry, meat, fish, protein powder, etc. However, it would be better if you keep your red meat consumption to a minimum.
A healthy diet means including a variety of foods in your diet. Eating mindfully means to accelerate their job security of fat loss.

You can buy your BMR or basal metabolic rate to pay those extra pounds to improve. An ideal way to do this is through exercise. You can go for exercises such as muscle and heart pumping aerobic workout. Make sure you are training for a minimum of 45 minutes. If you find it difficult to achieve on a regular basis, you can do it at least 4-5 days a week.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

xtreme fat loss diet - The adverse effects of obesity

Obesity is a chronic disease, which causes excessive accumulation of fat in the body and increase body weight. At puberty is equally prevalent in both sexes, while the later is more obese women than in men.

For determination of body weight using a few simple methods:

determination of body mass index (BMI) (Fr. BMI - body mass index)
Measuring waist circumference
measuring the thickness of the epidermis
Body mass index is calculated by dividing the weight expressed in kilograms divided by the square of body height in meters.

People with a BMI of 20-25 had normal body weight, those with a BMI of 25-30 are overweight, those with a BMI of 30-35 considered overweight, while individuals with a BMI over 40 is considered as extremely obese.

Waist circumference is measured to determine the type of obesity. In practice we distinguish two types of obesity and ways of distribution of adipose tissue in the body:

Gynoid (pear shape) - typical for women (fat accumulates below the waist, in the lower abdomen, the buttocks, hips and thighs)
Android (an apple) - typical for men (accumulation of fat around the waist)
Android type is much more dangerous than ginoidnog. Both sexes with BMI greater than 30, and men circumference greater than 102 cm and women circumference greater than 89 cm, are a risk group in terms of the appearance of non-communicable chronic diseases.

Measuring skinfold thickness determine the percentage of fat in the body. This measurement is carried out using a device called a caliper and a few places on the body. Body fat percentage of more than 25% in males and greater than 30% in women indicates obesity.

The causes of obesity are increasingly present we primarily look for in an energy imbalance - superabundant food intake in relation to consumption. Sedentary lifestyle has taken its toll. Yet it is not so simple as it seems from the above sentence - how enter an, spend and matter was resolved. Its influence is genetic, hereditary, psychological and social causes. The lowest percentage of obesity is caused by hormonal disorders.

Association for Obesity Prevention issued a list of the most common reasons that favor the emergence of excess body weight , and they are:

genetic predisposition
slow metabolism and indigestion
Improper dietary habits
insufficient or no physical activity
replete meals and fast food consumption
wrong meal time (late evening), skipping meals (especially breakfast)
long hours without eating-principle "of starvation and bingeing"
not following the rules, five smaller meals throughout the day
Insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet
Insufficient intake of fluids (water) into the body
Uncontrolled intake of sugar and sweets
intake of calorie rich and nutrient-poor foods (snacks, sweets)
intake of alcohol, sodas and sweetened drinks
large salt intake
lack of sleep
medications that cause weight gain (antidepressants)
retained excessive weight gain during pregnancy
The reason why obesity is dangerous is that it paves the way for many chronic diseases such as:

Hypertension (high blood pressure)
diseases of the heart and blood vessels
diabetes (type II)
cancer (in women: cervix, gallbladder, ovaries, breast, bowel, in men: intestine, rectum, and prostate)
stoppage of breathing during sleep
gout (high uric acid in the blood)
gallbladder disease and tartar

Lifespan of obese people is usually shorter compared to people of normal weight. Also, recent studies have shown that women who are overweight or with a high body mass index, which is undergoing the process of artificial insemination, have twice the risk of miscarriage.

Overweight is the second leading cause of preventable deaths (smoking is first), and the sixth most important risk factor for chronic diseases.

So if you do not want to fight with most of the above result - eat little and regularly walk at least 30 minutes a day and do not forget that any extreme is not good.

pearly penile papules removal - 2 Tips for getting the breasts you want

Male breast enlargement is on the rise these days for people who want to express who they really are. It does not matter if you are a transsexual or cross-dresser, you're looking for a way to express their femininity without the high cost and dangers of surgery.
There are some other ways you can increase your breast size without surgery. One of the ways you can grow your breasts female hormones used for breast enhancement. These hormones are used for breast growth in girls and lots of people have found them to be a male breast growth.

It is important for you to understand that there is a risk that you will be getting the use of the hormone. Some of the risks depression, breast cancer, and mood swings. These are a few things you should be aware of if you decide to try these hormones.

Luckily for you, the natural herbs is another alternative to grow breasts without risking your health. There are a lot of herbal plants with phyoestrogenic which are known to increase the hormonal balance in the male body.

This does not mean that your breasts will grow just because you're taking these herbal products. You'll need to take some time out of your busy schedule to do exercises to promote breast growth, and that, massaging your breasts.

Male breast massage is very important for people who want to enlarge their breasts.

First To increase blood circulation in your breasts you must massage

Second In order to stimulate the production of prolactin need to massage the breasts

If you are thinking about taking some of these herbal products you must understand that it will take some time for these plants to take effect. They must first be digested in order for them to get into the bloodstream, and then they will start to have an effect on your breasts.

After the plants are delivered to your bloodstream should start massaging your breasts will help to increase the blood flow to the breasts. Since this part of the body you are trying to develop is very important to massage the breasts during the day.

Believe it or not, massaging your breasts is the best way to get your hormones going bust. In order for your brain to produce prolactin you will stimulate your breasts and nipples. Male breasts can be achieved with a good herbal product and breast massage.

Back in the day it was dangerous for people to increase their breast size, but times have changed. There is a safer way for people to have breast enhancement without any risk involved. You are fully developed breasts and massaging them simply by using all natural herbal products.

vision without glasses - Evaluation and Confirmation

There are several things you can do if you think you are suffering from Keratoconus. Professionals will not only help you assess your physical condition, but also take a thorough review of your medical history.

When visiting an ophthalmologist or optometrist will gather important medical history and vision. It is important to tell them everything you can about your history, and family history. They will pay attention to your vision complaintsbetter understand what they are going through. It will also ask you a few questions about your history and try to determine if you have had an eye injury.
Ophthalmologist or optometrist will also give you tests to check visual acuity. That means reading letters from an eye chart as a general lot about assessment. This may include measurement of corneal topography using. Once the abnormal curvature may indicate possible Keratoconus.

Once you get to this point estimate physician can conduct a series of tests to confirm the diagnosis. Retinoscopy is a test a doctor can preform to confirm Keratoconus. This will involve focusing a beam of light on the retina. Reflex or (Reflection) is observed. If there is a scissor reflex, more tests will be needed to confirm Keratoconus.

One additional test that is often performed ultrasound of the cornea (Pachymetry). It will measure the thickness of the cornea. Thin cornea can be a sign of Keratoconus.

The second test examines the cornea with a slit lamp (microscope). More advanced cases can be ordered immediately with this test, because it is a yellow-brown or olive-green rings or (Fleischer ring)

Fleischer Ring-Seen in 50% of patients with keratoconus. Also caused by iron oxide Hemosiderin that is stored in the corneal epithelium.
Vogt's striae-These are fine lines or (stress lines) caused by stretching and can be seen on the front of the cornea.

Munson's Sign up to give and Keratoconus. It has a V-shaped indentations, and sometimes seen in the lower eyelid when the sufferer's moves seen in the downward direction. Most signs are detected before this stage and are rarely used for diagnosing keratoconus.

It is important that for the definitive diagnosis of keratoconus. Many times it requires several tests to confirm the absolute. There are many other conditions that have similar symptoms of keratoconus. Make sure you see a specialist in the diagnosis of keratoconus and ask questions if you do not understand your diagnosis. After all it is your health at stake

fat loss factor - Methods for measuring body fat percentage

At the beginning of this article must first clarify the basic misconception that prevails in understanding weight loss. For most people, the goal is to lose excess fat and keep as much as possible useful tissue.

However, most of the diets that are circulating the Internet, women's magazines, etc. is focused on an entirely different thing - weight loss. A weight loss can mean the loss of fat, muscle loss and water loss.

For years, the scales would measure the effectiveness of a particular child, and unfortunately all too often today, because it is in the nature of an average human being with these things preferred quantity (number of lost pounds) rather than quality (type of tissue they lost).

From the foregoing, therefore, it is clear that we need to focus on changes in body composition comprising fat. Total body fat mass is the sum of subcutaneous adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue.

Visceral adipose tissue is the one that lines the internal organs. Even though it's in this article is not the primary issue, it is worth mentioning because it has a major impact on the health of the individual.

In fact, all that fat has extremely negative effect on the body because it enhances the inflammatory response in the internal organs. It does so by secreting substances called adipokines, which are in fact signaling proteins that increase blood pressure and interfere with insulin balance.

Also, visceral fat reduces the amount of adiponectin, a hormone that is essential for burning fat and that speeds metabolism. The combination of reduced insulin sensitivity, hypertension and increased triglycerides creates preconditions for atherosclerosis, elevated LDL cholesterol (the undesirable fraction of cholesterol in the blood), and all together is an important factor for the development of diabetes.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the one that is located directly beneath the outer layer of skin. This is what the fat that you can catch your fingers when pinched. The abdominal subcutaneous fat covering the abdominal muscles, and if it's too much, they do not see.

Very often the question is asked in the gym that abs should work to get the famous tiles? Full answer is: all of them have chips (because such holdings abdominal muscle) are just some undercover, under cover! To be seen, to remove the fat that hides them, and that we will achieve the combination of diet and aerobic exercise.

MEASURING subcutaneous (subcutaneous) HALL
Through many years during which people deal with this problem, developed a variety of methods to measure body fat. Some are simpler and more accessible to a wider audience, while others are more complicated and require professional equipment and some experience of one who administers them. However, no method is perfect, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hydrostatic or underwater weighing measurement
Underwater weighing (underwater weighing) is considered the gold standard in the measurement of subcutaneous fat, even if it was a more modern and reliable methods have made obsolete.

It is based on the fact that fat floats better (plovnije a) of muscle tissue. The reason is that fat has a much lower density than muscle.

First person weigh on dry land. After that, he sits in a special tank. While sitting on a special scale in the tank, tank is lowered into the water, and the person being measured exhaled all the air. The procedure is repeated three times, and as a result of taking the average of measurements. After that, the data are entered into a special equation to determine the mass without fat.

Disadvantages of this method are contained in a number of assumptions that must be taken into account. First, a person can never exhale all the air from your lungs and presumed amount of air remaining in the lungs should be assumed (the possibility of errors, because 0.5 liters of air can change the result as much as 3-5%).

Then, it should be an estimate of bone density, muscle and adipose tissue, and it varies depending on the breed, age, stage of a person's activities, etc. Many of these assumptions are incorrect.

Method for measuring skinfold caliper
In this method, at several characteristic areas of the body, measured with callipers size skinfold. Size matters in the folds of the thickness of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. By entering the measured values ​​into the equation, we obtain data on the percentage of body fat. There are 7 characteristic spots (streaks) on which the measurement is done:

abdominal vertical crease
triceps - the vertical crease
chest - diagonal crease
midaksilarni vertical crease
subskapularni diagonal crease
suprailijakalni diagonal crease
thigh - vertical crease

What is needed is adequate well trained, that experience person who performs the measurement. It is of utmost importance measurement performed on precisely defined anatomical sites because if you measure just 1cm crease above or below the prescribed places, possible error of 5-15mm, which ultimately gives the wrong result.

Bioelectric impedance
This method works on the principle that different tissues conduct electricity differently, or give her a different resistance. Two electrodes are attached to the body and let the body weak currents. Lean tissue (muscle), which contains a lot of water is a good conductor, while the fat poor conductor because it contains no water. The degree of hydration of the body is an important factor that can cause an error in the method.

Volume measurement
Used bands at characteristic points based on which, taking into account the weight determines the amount of fat in the body. They are typically used volume of the wrist, waist and hip circumference and neck circumference. The method is very inaccurate because it does not distinguish individuals with excess body fat, more muscle - or simply wide bone structure.

There are lots of methods, one of the most interesting is called. Bod Pod. Bod Pod is a large cabin that looks like an egg, and measured the volume of body of the person sitting in it. Instead buoyancy used in hydrostatic measurement used here changes in air pressure.

The ratio of body weight and body volume provides information on the density of the body. The method is also called air displacement Plethysmography (ADP).

Other methods:
infrared radiation - fat thickness measured on the basis of the principle of absorption and reflection of light
Body mass index (BMI) - is inadequate because it does not take into account the type of tissue
elektrolipografija (ELG)
anthropomorphizes elektrolipografija (AELG)
Of all these methods, the most prevalent method of measurement seems callipers.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Lithium Side Effects

After a holiday on a cruise ship, you will finally set foot on land. But you feel the floor swaying to the right and left. You will find that your foot hits the ground or the trip down the stairs, you miss the feeling that the steps moved. They are already victims of something like vertigo after a cruise, in other words, sickness country. Medically, it is called the evil from the land (MDD). This is a very rare disease that occurs after a cruise or an extended motion event. There is not much research or studies that were conducted in this syndrome. We will look at the causes of dizziness after a cruise and if there is a treatment for this condition.

The evil of the landing is another name for this type of vertigo that occurs only after disembarking from a cruise ship. It gives the person a persistent feeling of dizziness or imbalance. It consists of a transient and short lasting for months or years, or at the end. A little information on this condition is also all the first timer who is courageous enough to the sea This condition also for air travel, rail travel, space flight or after reportedly confronted useful Use High-speed elevators frequently.

Symptoms appear soon after the motion stops and the person is immobile. These symptoms occur when the person sitting, lying, standing or take a stationary position. If the person moving again is like going back in the car, plane, train, etc., greatly reduce the symptoms. Some of the symptoms reported are:
The most common symptoms associated with typical symptoms experienced not experienced symptoms associated
• persistent feeling of movement such as rocking,
rickety, rocking or wobbling
• Imbalance
• unsteady gait, ie, ataxia
• tiredness
• difficulty concentrating
• Sense of Balance
• Tinnitus • anxiety
• Dizziness
• Ear pain and / or bloating
• Headaches
• Intolerance models used
• Loss of confidence
• Loss of memory
• Migraine
• nausea
• Sensitivity as a neon light, flashlight,
• Rebound vision indicators
• Double vision
• Loss of hearing
• nystagmus
• dizziness or spinning rotation
• sensitivity to noise
• Loss of hearing

The exact cause of dizziness after the cruise is still unknown. There is no violation at the ear or in the brain that appears to trigger the feeling of movement. It can be a psychiatric disorder associated with depression or it may be entitled to disorders of the central nervous system related. This condition seems more women in the age group of 35-40 years, affecting as in men. So it can be connected to the effects of hormones such as estrogen or progesterone. Basically, our vestibular system tends to adjust in a different environment. If it fails to fit on a solid surface, leads to dizziness after a cruise. Thus, the person experiences constant rocking or swaying, even after the stimulus was removed.

The diagnosis of vertigo after a cruise MDDS is very difficult because all the doctors can guess at one time. One has to undergo several tests to rule out other causes. Hearing tests, blood tests, tests of balance, etc., all together, help in the diagnosis of vertigo after a cruise.

Medically speaking, this condition is a self-limiting. This means we do not really need to follow a rigorous model of healing. The doctor may prescribe a medication traditionally dizziness. Valium and other similar derivatives appear to relieve the symptoms to some degree. However, caution must be exercised, because these drugs are addictive. Sleep and exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling, etc., appear also to be useful.

As you can become, after a cruise can be a debilitating disease, dizziness when experiencing the symptoms are severe. This condition is very rare and about 90% of patients are women. When hover your symptoms of dizziness, imbalance, does not seem to not go away after about 12 to 24 hours a cruise travel, see a doctor immediately.

truth about cellulite - Lymphatic Drainage for Cellulite Removal

Cellulite occurs when fat deposits in the subcutaneous layers of the skin accumulate, possibly to it. Appearance of an orange peel, which can be considered quite unsightly Lack of exercise, poor eating habits and a predisposition to weight gain, cellulite host body contribute. One of the main reasons for the accumulation of cellulite lymphatic circulation is reduced. Lymph contains white blood cells and removes liquid waste from the body and provides the cells with the nutrition they need.

 Lymphatic circulation means white blood cells, the precursor of a healthy immune system. If it does not move freely through the body, continuing to accumulate toxins and fat deposits and withdrawn, the cells of the diet to which ultimately cellulite. So to eliminate cellulite, is the first step to the lymphatic movement, which also ensures that all liquid wastes are to get thrown out of the body. Lymphatic drainage, a type of massage can be used to eliminate cellulite and stimulates lymphatic flow.

truth about cellulite scam

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
This massage is designed to improve the flow of lymph throughout the body. Use of a given amount of pressure, promotes massage the muscles to propel the movement of lymph in the lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes and those on the lymphatics, after re-entry into breast lymphatics, and is discharged from the body. This technique was developed by a French doctor, Dr. Emil Vodder. Caused by drainage massage helps fat deposits and toxins, reduce cellulite. This massage is best done by trained therapists who know the proper technique for lymph flow, but can also be carried out even.

A fairly simple massage to try it yourself, it improves the flow of lymph. You can target problem areas where we see the accumulation of cellulite, especially the knees and thighs. Pressure in these areas by gently massaging the skin in a circular motion as you would knead the dough. This ensures that your body's cells to get food and inhibit the growth of fat deposits and waste. Do this for 15 minutes every day. Be careful not to exert too much pressure. The lymphatic vessels are as thin as son and must be gently massaged. For best results it is advisable to consult a qualified masseur.

Massage by qualified therapists
A therapist uses delicate finger movements, like waves to the muscles in your body, which knead improved blood and lymph circulation. Therapists are trained in exactly the right amount of pressure with your bare hands, use the make the lymph flows.

Dry skin brushing
This option works wonders to improve lymphatic circulation. Take a soft bristle brush and rub it on your body, always towards the heart. More attention to the arms and legs that store cellulite, and a soft brush in upward strokes. Perform this routine for five minutes every day, just before the shower. In addition to helping improve blood and lymphatic circulation, it is an ideal way to get rid of dead skin cells and promotes the formation of new cells.

Other methods of lymph drainage

Cellulite Machines
Different types of machines are to eliminate cellulite with various methods. One type of machine uses suction to the skin in different directions, to pull the end of the lymphatic circulation and drainage. Yet another produces a lot of heat, which contributes to the reduction of fatty tissue. There are even some that are equipped with a certain type of massage and massage areas filled with cellulite body in a circular motion improves lymphatic circulation, the drainage of toxins and waste leads.

This treatment stimulates the circulation and drainage, and includes the use of pumps inflated. In this form of therapy, arms and legs are inflated pump, alternately inflate and deflate the amount of applied pressure control included. The pressure of inflation and deflation is applied like a massage, and helps the lymph to flow freely.

Lifestyle Changes
Try the lymph flowing again, of course, by changes in diet and lifestyle. Colon Therapy, a technique that involves the cleansing of the colon can be useful because it rids the body of toxins that ultimately promote lymph flow. Change your diet, eat more nutritious food, fresh vegetables and fruits, and reduce fatty foods rich in trans fats. Drink plenty of water. If possible, take the sauna once a week. To help exercise, deep breathing, meditation, yoga and acupressure, lymph flowing freely, strengthening the immune system. Stay away from restrictive clothing. Wear comfortable and loose.

Machines and cellulite pressotherapy if an option does not produce the same results as a massage from a qualified therapist. There are limits to the use of these machines, and it is recommended to consult a doctor before you consult one of them for lymphatic drainage. Although drainage is ideal for getting rid of cellulite, it may the best results if it is not combined with exercise and a good diet. Get rid of cellulite is not ready in a jiffy, you need a good dose of patience and a lot of will power to a healthy routine and face your body and again in

diet solution program - Eggs

The latest research shows that consumption of eggs has a positive impact on the metabolic syndrome and satiety. Studies conducted over the last 40 years proves that healthy adults can eat eggs without fear that it will increase the risk of disease. Protein breakfast that contains 30 grams of protein from eggs and significantly prolongs the feeling of satiety.

During the past twenty years, egg, despite its nutritional value, food was undesirable because of the high levels of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. However, one should recall the nutritional value of the egg, and become familiar with new knowledge about the ingredient.

Egg yolk made ​​up of water, proteins, fats, vitamins, pigments, carbohydrates and minerals. Egg made ​​up of water, proteins, and some carbohydrates, minerals (phosphorus and magnesium), and traces of iron and sulfur.
nutrients from the most common are almost all fat and fat are present in the yolk as a lipoprotein complex. The whites are present neutral fats or triglycerides, phospholipids and free cholesterol. Triglycerides and phospholipids are the main components of fat. Phospholipids eggs among other things contain lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids like dokosaheksainske (DHA), arachidonic fatty acid. essential alpha-linolenic fatty acid is also present in the lipids of eggs, but in a small proportion.

Of saturated fatty acids in the egg the most common are palmitic and stearic. From monounsaturated fatty acid is oleic most common. With the fat-soluble vitamins and pigments, egg falls into a multifunctional and highly nutritious foods. The egg is one of the richest sources of cholesterol in the diet of people, which is why the seventies of the 20th Century simplified assessments of cholesterol in food and cholesterol in blood, egg declare the major contributor to risk for increased blood cholesterol levels, or for hypercholesterolemia, and thus for cardiovascular disease. Although there are still some controversy regarding the connection, most research has proven that saturated fats from food (one egg only 1.5 g), and no cholesterol, why increased cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, no eggs, and no cholesterol intake were not associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Protein is the second nutrients in the egg. Taking adult two eggs during the day, will bring 30 percent of the daily need for protein. Proteins make egg minerals, complete source because they contain all the essential amino acids in amounts well balanced, yet are highly digestible.

In addition, eggs contain all the vitamins except vitamin C .
was one of the few sources of vitamin B12 (can help preserve mental activity helps regulate metabolism and contributes to the formation of red blood cells). It also contains vitamin D , which helps regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body and contributes to the healthy operation of the immune system, and vitamin E . Since carotenoids are present xanthophylls, lutein and zeksantin. They contribute to the yellow color of egg yolks and attributed them to the beneficial effects on eyesight. It is proved that these biologically active components from eggs have higher availability than those from plant sources. From minerals present include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium , zinc, copper, iron and manganese. Yolk contains iodine, selenium, sulfur, potassium, sodium and chlorine.

Japan, a country where the consumption of eggs, the largest, has the lowest rate of death from cardiovascular disease. Also no significant link between eating eggs, blood cholesterol levels and the incidence of heart disease. The study, which followed 117 000 men is and women aged 8-14 years showed that the risk of coronary heart disease in the same people who ate less than one egg per week or more than one egg per day. Clinical studies confirm the epidemic, according to which the egg as food has very little, if any, effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Weighting of energy and nutritional value of the egg can be said to have a high nutritional density, which is just another proof that the egg is desirable in the diet of sensitive population groups (the poor, then, the young and the elderly and the chronically ill) because in these groups appears insufficient intake of energy and nutrients. Eggs are extremely useful and pregnant women in the diet should include high-quality protein and other nutrients, among other choline which is necessary for the brain development of the child.

Studies have shown that consumption of eggs has an important effect on satiety, which is explained by the chemical composition of eggs, or of protein and fat.

Egg consumption slowed gastric emptying and slower response of blood glucose and insulin. Effect on gastric emptying is considered to be due to the influence yolks (not whites) on the secretion of cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitor peptide. Given the global problem, the eggs may be included in the diet of people who have problems with weight and diet program implemented to reduce or maintain current weight.

anabolic cooking - How Long do Drugs Stay in Your System

Dogs are man's best friend! No, they are more expensive than friends of man! They are like children, always in search of love and attention. But if they suffer from chronic infections and diseases like cancer, it is a very emotional dilemma for the owner, whether for his dog neutered or not.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone /. Any variation in the normal range of cancer symptoms in dogs lead. Regarding the dog's health, neutering of males is a necessary procedure in certain cases only. This procedure is usually performed by surgical procedures (removal of the testicles) or injection of Neutersol to reduce testosterone production. Here are some severe forms of the disease are caused by testosterone levels altered dog:
• Some of the major prostate in dogs under the influence of testosterone. Prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate in dogs), prostate (metastatic cancer), prostate abscess (a bacterium that causes infections in the prostate) and prostatitis (chronic inflammation of the prostate) are the diseases most common prostate in dogs.
• Changes in levels of testosterone may in case of scrotal hernia, inguinal hernia and perineal hernia in dogs. Surgical correction is the only cure for a hernia in dogs.
• dog cancer is often associated with testosterone levels. Sertoli cell tumors, perianal adenocarcinoma, seminoma, and colon cancer cells and Leydig cell tumors in dogs is often caused by changes in testosterone levels. Surgery / chemotherapy is recommended by veterinarians to such complaints.
• Chronic infections such as brucellosis and balanoposthitis can cause severe pain in dogs. In the latter case, the dog is suffering from purulent secretions from the opening of his foreskin. (Inability to solve for the erection of the penis), other infections such as paraphimosis and rectal fistula (rectal) are also caused by the influence of testosterone.
• controlled aggression: When it comes to the sterilization of a man, there are advantages and disadvantages of both. Neutered males are less aggressive toward other animals and humans. The temperament of the dogs after neutering will calm down. Castrated animals are easier to handle, because they bug you incessantly to seek a partner for them. They also tend to clean habits related to hygiene in the urine does not leave the house.
• Increased concentration: There is a significant increase in the concentration of dogs after castration. Therefore, they work best in dog training and is always perfectly obedient animals are tame. Castrated males when they are puppies dogs contributes to healthy growth.
• No tumors: castration has the possibility of testicular tumors (malignant and benign) is reduced. Usually in the canines, are certain tumors (such as perianal tumors) of testosterone stimulation. These malignant tumors in dogs that are at least 7 years. Castration procedures were assisted in eliminating symptoms of cancer in many dogs.
• Less cases of hernia: hernia is a painful disease of the organs (such as prostate colon, or bladder), in which there is a projection into the body. If these conditions are not addressed, institutions may be completely damaged. Get a dog neutered in neutral terms such tortuous in dogs.
• The prostate problems Less: Research has shown that about 80% of dogs that are not neutered are more prone to prostate disease. Most of the diseases involved cysts and benign prostate. Neutering a male helps eliminate the symptoms of prostate cancer in dogs.
• improve the genetic characteristics, in many cases harmful genetic traits (such as epilepsy) are exacerbated by rising testosterone levels. Castration prevents the continuation of this disease to the next generation.
Side Effects
• Change in behavior: behavior after sterilization dog is definitely a noticeable change that deviates from the normal behavior of dogs. His temperament is calm radically different from what was a mischievous and playful animals that live there before castration.
• excessive weight gain: After obtaining castration, many dogs tend to gain weight. This is due to reduced activity of the dog, because he no longer has the desire, energy to find a partner and play to spend. Therefore, many of their calories to burn off excess fat and not the dog was saved from becoming obese.
• Sterilization: Now that the dog is neutered his testicles removed, its ability to reproduce is taken away from him forever! The sad part is that sterilization of a dog may impede the normal routine for most.
Recovery phase

Once a dog is neutered, it takes about 18-24 hours to recover after surgery. Some important symptoms that follow are fatigue, lethargy, poor balance, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. So if you download a neutered male dog at home, takes great care to make a speedy recovery. Some tips for neutered dogs are care:
• Take the dog on his bed. Let it sleep like the rest is much needed after castration.
• Keep pets other (if any) is removed from the dog that can beat him because of his state of disorientation.
• Take the dog often to relieve his bladder. Because most of the injected fluids in his body, need special care, pet owners tend to his bathroom needs.
• Surgery and anesthesia, the dogs tend to lose their appetite and eat less food. Feed them with homemade food, chicken without the skin to taste bland or burger cooked rice, go easy on the stomach.
• For a faster recovery time, the dog's activity. This is because the incision needed after the operation time to heal. Pet owners can take the dog for short walks after 10-14 days after surgery.
• Clean the incision on a regular basis and with a little Betadine to disinfect the area of ​​the incision. Make sure could not lick the dogs in their regular habit of their injuries, the probability of infection lead to obtain.
• Two weeks after castration, followed by the dog section to check for signs of infection. If anything, seek immediate medical attention from a veterinarian!
Many veterinarians recommend that it is best to get the dogs neutered at an early age of 5-8 months. The advantage of early neutering is that the growth rate in dogs are not affected. Skeletal development, physical or behavioral by early neutering of males are modified. Castration costs range from $ 45 - $ 300 for the construction, depending on the breed, weight, and the dog. Neutering a male dog is a very serious process. It moderates the behavior of dogs, health may be preferred smart, but not for social reasons. Who wants to live his energetic dog and is now sober and lazy with limited emotion? Therefore, castration is the best recommended only when the dog's health problems are recurrent and persistent. Otherwise, the sterilization of a dog can certainly wait!

3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief - STD Symptoms in Women

About 200 to 400 million people worldwide are affected by STDs annually. Studies by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that nearly 13 million people suffer from these diseases each year, and over 65 million cases are incurable. Nearly half of them are aged between 15 and 24.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. This is also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (VDS) is known. There are many diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, HPV, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis. It turns out that these sexually transmitted diseases in women have serious consequences if not treated quickly. Therefore, screening for STDs is very important for women who engage in sexual activity.

visit 3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief

This is the most common diseases and STD is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus weakens the immune system of an individual, so more susceptible to infections and certain cancers. The disease is still uncertain by sexual contact, sharing needles or innate. The infected person may have no symptoms especially, but may feel ill after a period of two to four weeks. These symptoms may include fever, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, sore throat or painful lymph nodes. Serious effects include weight loss, unusual infections or cancer, dementia and death. If infection occurs in the form of severe symptoms, the syndrome is called AIDS.


This infection is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, a unicellular protozoan parasite caused. In women, the most common site of infection of the vagina, while the urethra in men. Found mostly in women between the ages of 16 and 35, it is through sexual intercourse or vulva to vulva contact transfer. Symptoms in men and women differ. But the appearance of signs and symptoms in men is rare. In the case of infection, women frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong smell, or feel pain during intercourse, itching of the inner thighs, or vaginal or vulvar itching to watch . In rare cases, women may also experience pain in the abdomen. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy may lead to pregnancies and premature babies, with a result of low weight. Trichomoniasis, if left untreated, can lead to HIV infection.


Chancroid is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Haemophilus ducreyi, a Gram negative coccobacillus. Women with this disease can be observed painful sores on the genitals and is known to be spread by sex. Very few cases are diagnosed to suffer from this disease, but is a risk factor for HIV. This disease is more common in developing countries, low socio-economic groups, with prostitutes. People diagnosed with this infection are placed so visited countries or areas where it is often encountered. Small bumps on the genitals are visible within a day to 2 weeks after infection. However, these irregularities in the processing of ulcers within one day are after the show. These bumps are tender and painful, and it is highly covered with gray cells limits or yellowish-gray at their base. The appearance of these ulcers in women are usually on the lips of the vagina. It can also be on the opposite side of the lip (the "kiss ulcer") is taken into account. In many cases, chancroid to heal, but sometimes can last for months with frequent pain and discharge.


This infection is caused by bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae cause is known and the second STI found in the U.S. This infection is growing rapidly in the throat, eyes and rectum. It should be noted that more than 1 million women are infected in the U.S. alone, some of which are also susceptible to chlamydia (another STD infection). In almost half of women infected population, in general, there are no symptoms in its early stages of the disease detected. Symptoms, when detected, can a burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, a yellow discharge, redness and swelling of the genitals. If this infection is not treated, it could lead to a severe pelvic infection with inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Genital herpes

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the cause of infection of genital herpes virus that is transmitted by close contact with the mucosa covered. These involve the mucous membranes of the mouth or the vagina or the genital skin. The virus can be transmitted through microscopic cuts or bruises and trips to the spinal cord, where he settled permanently. People infected lesions that develop after three to seven days of incubation. It is followed by itching or tingling, followed by redness or inflammation of the skin, leading to a bubble. These bubbles cause great pain to the touch. This is the right of the contagious phase of healing itching of the bladder. However, in the case of an epidemic during sexual activities, they can also be transferred to the partner.

acne no more - Cures for Pimples

Everyone gets pimples, its part of the growth process. We tend to grow out of it, unless it is part of your system. Acne, on the other hand, poses a serious threat to our well-guarded beauty. Dirt, facial oil, or even some other factors can make these grow out of his face in serious numbers.

There are plenty of cures for acne pimples. You can consult a dermatologist to prescribe a treatment to gethis face permanently or home remedies you can try, if you lack the budget for it. But even if you have all this available, hygiene is still the number one factor that should be taken into account to ensure that it will not come back to you again and torment.
Home remedies as cures for acne pimples is preferred by many because they can easily control the application, and to avoid possible side effects that come with the medication. Solution of honey, vinegar and rosewater guarantees a clean face, so acne can not get a foothold to spread out. Garlic paste contains antibacterial properties that make acne and pimples go away in a few days.

Cures for acne pimples need not be expensive if you really want to get rid of both of their system. All you need to do is pay attention and regularly clean your face before and after the preferred method of treatment. Prevent it from happening with daily cleaning and treatment is a guarantee that they will not be plagued him ever again.

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yeast infection no more - how to clear up yeast infections

Before jumping to the conclusion that you have a yeast means infection you should get a confirmation from your doctor, just because something unwanted happens to your body is not necessarily that you are suffering from the disease.
You must be able to identify symptoms before the decision on a plan for treatment. People are victims of these infections for a long time because of the wrong approach, there are different plans for different infections and this will depend on the symptoms.
Below are some of the symptoms in women

Redness Formation 
flaky sensitive skin 
Some of the symptoms of the vagina is: 
vagina pain 
Redness Formation 
Abnormal vaginal discharge 
Painful urination

As you can see evidence of yeast infection no more book in women vary, no woman on earth will be confronted with these symptoms and be happy woman. Therefore, it is not something you keep in the back of your mind.

The various bacteria that cause infection can live anywhere in the body, which is why it is very important that you established source before treatment. The biggest problem with the symptoms of yeast infection if not treated in time become more serious and can lead to serious medical problems.

There are some general symptoms that feel included with these infections, where you will feel regardless of whatever part of the body the infection is, the symptoms include

Body ache 
dry itchy skin 

As you can see the list of possible infection in women is endless, people suffering from yeast infection different if you are experiencing more infection not wait any longer to start using the right treatment, ways you can get rid of yeast infection from the comforts of your home , these natural treatments do not include the use of medications or pills, you will be able to destroy the bacteria that cause infection while it promotes the healthy bacteria in the body.

Destroying the symptoms of yeast infection can be as simple as making better choices with the kind of food you eat foods that will help to strengthen your immune system not only against infections, but also other diseases. Another advantage with the adoption of natural resources is the body feels more comfortable with physical treatments compare to depending on medications.Some cream results in even skin irritation.