Wednesday 12 September 2012

fat loss factor - Methods for measuring body fat percentage

At the beginning of this article must first clarify the basic misconception that prevails in understanding weight loss. For most people, the goal is to lose excess fat and keep as much as possible useful tissue.

However, most of the diets that are circulating the Internet, women's magazines, etc. is focused on an entirely different thing - weight loss. A weight loss can mean the loss of fat, muscle loss and water loss.

For years, the scales would measure the effectiveness of a particular child, and unfortunately all too often today, because it is in the nature of an average human being with these things preferred quantity (number of lost pounds) rather than quality (type of tissue they lost).

From the foregoing, therefore, it is clear that we need to focus on changes in body composition comprising fat. Total body fat mass is the sum of subcutaneous adipose tissue and visceral adipose tissue.

Visceral adipose tissue is the one that lines the internal organs. Even though it's in this article is not the primary issue, it is worth mentioning because it has a major impact on the health of the individual.

In fact, all that fat has extremely negative effect on the body because it enhances the inflammatory response in the internal organs. It does so by secreting substances called adipokines, which are in fact signaling proteins that increase blood pressure and interfere with insulin balance.

Also, visceral fat reduces the amount of adiponectin, a hormone that is essential for burning fat and that speeds metabolism. The combination of reduced insulin sensitivity, hypertension and increased triglycerides creates preconditions for atherosclerosis, elevated LDL cholesterol (the undesirable fraction of cholesterol in the blood), and all together is an important factor for the development of diabetes.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the one that is located directly beneath the outer layer of skin. This is what the fat that you can catch your fingers when pinched. The abdominal subcutaneous fat covering the abdominal muscles, and if it's too much, they do not see.

Very often the question is asked in the gym that abs should work to get the famous tiles? Full answer is: all of them have chips (because such holdings abdominal muscle) are just some undercover, under cover! To be seen, to remove the fat that hides them, and that we will achieve the combination of diet and aerobic exercise.

MEASURING subcutaneous (subcutaneous) HALL
Through many years during which people deal with this problem, developed a variety of methods to measure body fat. Some are simpler and more accessible to a wider audience, while others are more complicated and require professional equipment and some experience of one who administers them. However, no method is perfect, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hydrostatic or underwater weighing measurement
Underwater weighing (underwater weighing) is considered the gold standard in the measurement of subcutaneous fat, even if it was a more modern and reliable methods have made obsolete.

It is based on the fact that fat floats better (plovnije a) of muscle tissue. The reason is that fat has a much lower density than muscle.

First person weigh on dry land. After that, he sits in a special tank. While sitting on a special scale in the tank, tank is lowered into the water, and the person being measured exhaled all the air. The procedure is repeated three times, and as a result of taking the average of measurements. After that, the data are entered into a special equation to determine the mass without fat.

Disadvantages of this method are contained in a number of assumptions that must be taken into account. First, a person can never exhale all the air from your lungs and presumed amount of air remaining in the lungs should be assumed (the possibility of errors, because 0.5 liters of air can change the result as much as 3-5%).

Then, it should be an estimate of bone density, muscle and adipose tissue, and it varies depending on the breed, age, stage of a person's activities, etc. Many of these assumptions are incorrect.

Method for measuring skinfold caliper
In this method, at several characteristic areas of the body, measured with callipers size skinfold. Size matters in the folds of the thickness of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. By entering the measured values ​​into the equation, we obtain data on the percentage of body fat. There are 7 characteristic spots (streaks) on which the measurement is done:

abdominal vertical crease
triceps - the vertical crease
chest - diagonal crease
midaksilarni vertical crease
subskapularni diagonal crease
suprailijakalni diagonal crease
thigh - vertical crease

What is needed is adequate well trained, that experience person who performs the measurement. It is of utmost importance measurement performed on precisely defined anatomical sites because if you measure just 1cm crease above or below the prescribed places, possible error of 5-15mm, which ultimately gives the wrong result.

Bioelectric impedance
This method works on the principle that different tissues conduct electricity differently, or give her a different resistance. Two electrodes are attached to the body and let the body weak currents. Lean tissue (muscle), which contains a lot of water is a good conductor, while the fat poor conductor because it contains no water. The degree of hydration of the body is an important factor that can cause an error in the method.

Volume measurement
Used bands at characteristic points based on which, taking into account the weight determines the amount of fat in the body. They are typically used volume of the wrist, waist and hip circumference and neck circumference. The method is very inaccurate because it does not distinguish individuals with excess body fat, more muscle - or simply wide bone structure.

There are lots of methods, one of the most interesting is called. Bod Pod. Bod Pod is a large cabin that looks like an egg, and measured the volume of body of the person sitting in it. Instead buoyancy used in hydrostatic measurement used here changes in air pressure.

The ratio of body weight and body volume provides information on the density of the body. The method is also called air displacement Plethysmography (ADP).

Other methods:
infrared radiation - fat thickness measured on the basis of the principle of absorption and reflection of light
Body mass index (BMI) - is inadequate because it does not take into account the type of tissue
elektrolipografija (ELG)
anthropomorphizes elektrolipografija (AELG)
Of all these methods, the most prevalent method of measurement seems callipers.

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