Obesity is a
chronic disease, which causes excessive accumulation of fat in the body and
increase body weight. At puberty is equally prevalent in both sexes, while the
later is more obese women than in men.
For determination
of body weight using a few simple methods:
determination of
body mass index (BMI) (Fr. BMI - body mass index)
Measuring waist
measuring the
thickness of the epidermis
Body mass index is
calculated by dividing the weight expressed in kilograms divided by the square
of body height in meters.
People with a BMI
of 20-25 had normal body weight, those with a BMI of 25-30 are overweight,
those with a BMI of 30-35 considered overweight, while individuals with a BMI
over 40 is considered as extremely obese.
circumference is measured to determine the type of obesity. In practice we
distinguish two types of obesity and ways of distribution of adipose tissue in
the body:
Gynoid (pear
shape) - typical for women (fat accumulates below the waist, in the lower
abdomen, the buttocks, hips and thighs)
Android (an apple)
- typical for men (accumulation of fat around the waist)
Android type is
much more dangerous than ginoidnog. Both sexes with BMI greater than 30, and
men circumference greater than 102 cm and women circumference greater than 89
cm, are a risk group in terms of the appearance of non-communicable chronic
Measuring skinfold
thickness determine the percentage of fat in the body. This measurement is
carried out using a device called a caliper and a few places on the body. Body
fat percentage of more than 25% in males and greater than 30% in women
indicates obesity.
The causes of
obesity are increasingly present we primarily look for in an energy imbalance -
superabundant food intake in relation to consumption. Sedentary lifestyle has
taken its toll. Yet it is not so simple as it seems from the above sentence -
how enter an, spend and matter was resolved. Its influence is genetic,
hereditary, psychological and social causes. The lowest percentage of obesity
is caused by hormonal disorders.
Association for
Obesity Prevention issued a list of the most common reasons that favor the
emergence of excess body weight , and they are:
slow metabolism
and indigestion
Improper dietary
insufficient or no
physical activity
replete meals and
fast food consumption
wrong meal time
(late evening), skipping meals (especially breakfast)
long hours without
eating-principle "of starvation and bingeing"
not following the
rules, five smaller meals throughout the day
intake of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet
intake of fluids (water) into the body
intake of sugar and sweets
intake of calorie
rich and nutrient-poor foods (snacks, sweets)
intake of alcohol,
sodas and sweetened drinks
large salt intake
lack of sleep
medications that
cause weight gain (antidepressants)
retained excessive
weight gain during pregnancy
The reason why
obesity is dangerous is that it paves the way for many chronic diseases such
Hypertension (high
blood pressure)
diseases of the
heart and blood vessels
diabetes (type II)
cancer (in women:
cervix, gallbladder, ovaries, breast, bowel, in men: intestine, rectum, and
stoppage of
breathing during sleep
gout (high uric
acid in the blood)
disease and tartar
Lifespan of obese
people is usually shorter compared to people of normal weight. Also, recent
studies have shown that women who are overweight or with a high body mass
index, which is undergoing the process of artificial insemination, have twice
the risk of miscarriage.
Overweight is the
second leading cause of preventable deaths (smoking is first), and the sixth
most important risk factor for chronic diseases.
So if you do not
want to fight with most of the above result - eat little and regularly walk at
least 30 minutes a day and do not forget that any extreme is not good.
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