Tuesday 4 September 2012

muscle gaining secrets - unbelievable but true!

Everything must be done by moving the body requires as said input or presence of ATP. Therefore, it is very obvious that many of the factors which streamlines the production of ATP, is something that scientists have researched a lot in order to help athletes to better results. Much of the concept of sports nutrition is indeed to make this generation of ATP as efficient as possible. ATP is a very unstable molecule and therefore it is not wise to attempt a save of this molecule. Your body is smart. 

The stores energy in the most economical and stable form - namely fat. It is therefore a logical consequence of all overuse of calories will be stored as fat. A person with a normal fat content of 13-25 for men and 17-27 for women have a store of fat, which is sufficient to bring him from Copenhagen to Paris and back without refueling. Here you have so the easiest diet, if it worked that way, but so easy it is not. grease burns with a flame of carbohydrate So if there is no carbohydrate present in the body, will not burn very much fat. , 

the human body can store about 500-800 grams carbohydrate in the liver, muscle gaining supplements and blood (This under optimal circumstances) means fuel for approx. two hours for most people with an intensity about 70-80% of VO2 max (maximum oxygen uptake ), which represents approx. to 75-85% of maximum heart rate. VO2max is a measure of how much oxygen the body can absorb in one minute.

For every liter of oxygen absorbed by the body incinerated 5 Kcal . Already after 2 min. with the handle in the bottom, more than 50% of the work to be performed aerobically. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the body is able to absorb more oxygen will be able to perform most of the work. It is also absolutely correct . If you take people who are good in endurance into a laboratory and test them, they will have an oxygen uptake, which is high. Most people have an oxygen uptake of 2.8 to 3.5 liters per. minutes for men and 2.5 to 3.2 for women. has on male elite cross-country skiers values ​​of up to 7.5 liters. 

minutes or more than twice as much as in an ordinary human! A high oxygen uptake are highly genetically determined, and it will not be possible for the individual to move its borders more than approx. 15-25%. world champions are born to be the field of endurance sports, so if you want to be world champion in cycling, choose your parents carefully. reason it is important to understand what oxygen is to it has a very big impact on how many calories you can burn during exercise. Each liter of oxygen absorbed by the body corresponds approx. 

exercises: 5 kcal. burned. With an oxygen uptake of 3 liters of oxygen per day. minutes corresponds to a combustion at 15 calories per minute or 900 kcal. per hour (100 grams of fat). If you mind you could keep the accelerator all the way to 100% of VO2max. However, it is not possible, and for most people will be having to keep 70% of VO2max for an hour probably be more realistic. This corresponds then to 630 kcal or a little more than a Marsbar. How many people exercise 1 hour at 70% of VO2max? Probably not so much when it comes down to it. Most people with the right type of training to increase their combustion so that they both burn more calories during exercise, but more importantly degree also at rest. There is a very good correlation between the size of your muscle mass and size of your metabolism at rest.

Your muscles convert more energy than your fat mass. Therefore, you can safely conclude that if you can increase your muscle mass, you will also increase your calorie burning. The best thing you as an ordinary person can do if you want a body that functions optimally, is to cultivate physical activity that harms both circuit and muscle

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