Tuesday 11 September 2012

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Dogs are man's best friend! No, they are more expensive than friends of man! They are like children, always in search of love and attention. But if they suffer from chronic infections and diseases like cancer, it is a very emotional dilemma for the owner, whether for his dog neutered or not.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone /. Any variation in the normal range of cancer symptoms in dogs lead. Regarding the dog's health, neutering of males is a necessary procedure in certain cases only. This procedure is usually performed by surgical procedures (removal of the testicles) or injection of Neutersol to reduce testosterone production. Here are some severe forms of the disease are caused by testosterone levels altered dog:
• Some of the major prostate in dogs under the influence of testosterone. Prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate in dogs), prostate (metastatic cancer), prostate abscess (a bacterium that causes infections in the prostate) and prostatitis (chronic inflammation of the prostate) are the diseases most common prostate in dogs.
• Changes in levels of testosterone may in case of scrotal hernia, inguinal hernia and perineal hernia in dogs. Surgical correction is the only cure for a hernia in dogs.
• dog cancer is often associated with testosterone levels. Sertoli cell tumors, perianal adenocarcinoma, seminoma, and colon cancer cells and Leydig cell tumors in dogs is often caused by changes in testosterone levels. Surgery / chemotherapy is recommended by veterinarians to such complaints.
• Chronic infections such as brucellosis and balanoposthitis can cause severe pain in dogs. In the latter case, the dog is suffering from purulent secretions from the opening of his foreskin. (Inability to solve for the erection of the penis), other infections such as paraphimosis and rectal fistula (rectal) are also caused by the influence of testosterone.
• controlled aggression: When it comes to the sterilization of a man, there are advantages and disadvantages of both. Neutered males are less aggressive toward other animals and humans. The temperament of the dogs after neutering will calm down. Castrated animals are easier to handle, because they bug you incessantly to seek a partner for them. They also tend to clean habits related to hygiene in the urine does not leave the house.
• Increased concentration: There is a significant increase in the concentration of dogs after castration. Therefore, they work best in dog training and is always perfectly obedient animals are tame. Castrated males when they are puppies dogs contributes to healthy growth.
• No tumors: castration has the possibility of testicular tumors (malignant and benign) is reduced. Usually in the canines, are certain tumors (such as perianal tumors) of testosterone stimulation. These malignant tumors in dogs that are at least 7 years. Castration procedures were assisted in eliminating symptoms of cancer in many dogs.
• Less cases of hernia: hernia is a painful disease of the organs (such as prostate colon, or bladder), in which there is a projection into the body. If these conditions are not addressed, institutions may be completely damaged. Get a dog neutered in neutral terms such tortuous in dogs.
• The prostate problems Less: Research has shown that about 80% of dogs that are not neutered are more prone to prostate disease. Most of the diseases involved cysts and benign prostate. Neutering a male helps eliminate the symptoms of prostate cancer in dogs.
• improve the genetic characteristics, in many cases harmful genetic traits (such as epilepsy) are exacerbated by rising testosterone levels. Castration prevents the continuation of this disease to the next generation.
Side Effects
• Change in behavior: behavior after sterilization dog is definitely a noticeable change that deviates from the normal behavior of dogs. His temperament is calm radically different from what was a mischievous and playful animals that live there before castration.
• excessive weight gain: After obtaining castration, many dogs tend to gain weight. This is due to reduced activity of the dog, because he no longer has the desire, energy to find a partner and play to spend. Therefore, many of their calories to burn off excess fat and not the dog was saved from becoming obese.
• Sterilization: Now that the dog is neutered his testicles removed, its ability to reproduce is taken away from him forever! The sad part is that sterilization of a dog may impede the normal routine for most.
Recovery phase

Once a dog is neutered, it takes about 18-24 hours to recover after surgery. Some important symptoms that follow are fatigue, lethargy, poor balance, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. So if you download a neutered male dog at home, takes great care to make a speedy recovery. Some tips for neutered dogs are care:
• Take the dog on his bed. Let it sleep like the rest is much needed after castration.
• Keep pets other (if any) is removed from the dog that can beat him because of his state of disorientation.
• Take the dog often to relieve his bladder. Because most of the injected fluids in his body, need special care, pet owners tend to his bathroom needs.
• Surgery and anesthesia, the dogs tend to lose their appetite and eat less food. Feed them with homemade food, chicken without the skin to taste bland or burger cooked rice, go easy on the stomach.
• For a faster recovery time, the dog's activity. This is because the incision needed after the operation time to heal. Pet owners can take the dog for short walks after 10-14 days after surgery.
• Clean the incision on a regular basis and with a little Betadine to disinfect the area of ​​the incision. Make sure could not lick the dogs in their regular habit of their injuries, the probability of infection lead to obtain.
• Two weeks after castration, followed by the dog section to check for signs of infection. If anything, seek immediate medical attention from a veterinarian!
Many veterinarians recommend that it is best to get the dogs neutered at an early age of 5-8 months. The advantage of early neutering is that the growth rate in dogs are not affected. Skeletal development, physical or behavioral by early neutering of males are modified. Castration costs range from $ 45 - $ 300 for the construction, depending on the breed, weight, and the dog. Neutering a male dog is a very serious process. It moderates the behavior of dogs, health may be preferred smart, but not for social reasons. Who wants to live his energetic dog and is now sober and lazy with limited emotion? Therefore, castration is the best recommended only when the dog's health problems are recurrent and persistent. Otherwise, the sterilization of a dog can certainly wait!

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