Tuesday 11 September 2012

jump manual - Extreme SkySurfing in skydiving

Skayserfing (English «skysurfing») - kind of extreme sport parachute with ski on performance of various figures in free fall. Ski, resembling a snowboard, attached to the feet of the athlete. Skayserfer from a height of about 4000 m and in a state of free fall (in only 50 seconds, go jump) performs acrobatic figures, "crab", "dashboard", etc. One of the main features skayserfinga as extreme discipline is that it is a team sport . Simultaneously with skayserferom jumping operator, which is set on a helmet camera. He takes off his acrobatic elements performed by a partner. Judges will evaluate the team's performance on the submitted entries. The operator is not just video recorded skayserfera action, now the team's success depends largely on the skill and ingenuity of the operator.

In today skayserfinge many so-called interactive (ie, performed together) elements: for example, the operator's shooting, lying on his back or turning around partner.

The first of these and many other items offered in the mid-1990s, Americans Rob Harris and Joe Jennings. Currently skayserfing is one of the most famous extreme sport disciplines.
Competition rules in skayserfinge

Rules of the competition and training skayserfinge among professionals and amateurs have some differences. For example, the combination of all the professionals evaluated as a whole, rather than individual items. Under the rules of amateur competitions skayserfer after execution of each element to be released in its original position, fix it, and only then continue the program.

Competition for the team must make a certain number of hops. Some of them - the "school" part - the free program, which is assessed according to four criteria: the complexity, the technique and artistry of the performance, the work of the operator.

Vertical rate of descent skayserfera 50-60 meters per second. According to one of the most famous world skayserferov Valerie Rozov skayserfing - "the fastest of the non-technical types of sport." It requires little physical strength is more important for an athlete trained vestibular system and excellent possession own bodies.

Skayserfing athlete involves full contact with the air flow, which is responsive to the slightest movement of his. In this type of parachuting quite specific, because the board, aerodynamics, which is markedly different from his sister or friflaya freestyle.

It is fraught with considerable danger to the athlete, especially a beginner. For example, skayserfingista can unleash a stream of air at such a high speed centrifuge that in a few seconds, it can happen a brain hemorrhage. Stabilize the situation, ie, get on the ski upright inexperienced

jump manual scam difficult and open the parachute in the rotation is extremely dangerous to ski entangled in his sling. The only solution is to - time to unfasten the ski. Another serious danger - a sharp drop in the rate from one figure to another.

Those who wish to do skayserfingom must first obtain a so-called "A" category parachutist, giving the right of self-jumping sport parachute. The next step - the development of a free-fall in the various tricks and stunts. Only then will begin to work directly with the board.

Several countries have age limits for employment skayserfingom.

Skayserfing requires constant and rigorous training. To adequately perform in international competition, it is necessary to make at least 1500-2000 jumps a year. (Champion among skayserfingistov is Frenchman Eric Frade, which account for more than 15,000 jumps.)
History skayserfinga

Skayserfing, despite its English name («sky», Sky + «surfing», surfing), one of the few extreme sports that originated outside the United States. His birthplace is France. Founder skayserfinga - parachutist Joel Krusiani. In 1987 he made the first parachute jump on board, standing on her feet (ie, in the classic position skayserfera). So, in the middle of the 1960s, American Gary Petmor repeatedly jumped on a surfboard. He was doing turns and simple tricks in a prone position, but all attempts to keep the athlete on the board in the standing position have failed. In 1980, a few jumps with boards lying carried paratroopers from California, is even a special name for it: eyrserfing (from the English. «Air», air).

Krusiani was the first to make such a jump with the board standing. He used a surfboard, which were installed by attaching a snowboard. Follower Krusiani Laurent Bouquet, starring in the first of kinosyuzhete skayserfinge, experimented with a skateboard and fixtures own system. Beech developed the first attachment with cutaway (before landing skayserfery to unfasten safety ski). Almost simultaneously with Patrick de poles invented the "soft" attachment resembling modern fixtures for the air board.

Another important innovation proposed by Beech in the late 1980's, - stabilizing parachute. When athletes begin to write their stunts on camera, skayserfing fully emerged as a sport.

In the early 1990s, he gains huge popularity all over the world - especially in the U.S.. First American skayserfer Jerry Loftis, once mastered a board with an air-French instructors, opens the world's first company to manufacture boards skayserfinga "Serflayt." 1994-1995-s were a time of unchallenged dominance in the sport skayserfinge mentioned Harris and Jennings. During this period, they have won all the competitions, each time offering some new items. (Harris was killed in December 1995 on the set of commercials.)

In 1992 skayserfing was included in the third World Cup freestyle skiing as a demonstration of the form. Soon after, the World Federation of freestyle competition develops rules skayserfingu. The first world championship was held in skayserfingu Spain in 1993. A year later, the program is introduced female world championship standings. Skayserfing become so popular that de pole, Frade and several skayserferov participate in the official opening ceremony of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer.

In 1995 creates a "Skaysportz International» (SSI), which has taken the lead in organizing the competition skayserferov professionals, and included in the program skayserfing Extreme Games (X-Games). Now these games are for skayserferov main stage so-called Pro-Tour (Pro-Tour), the annual commercial cup competitions, which take place in 1996. By the number of events (6-7 per year) skayserfing ahead of all other types of skydiving, being both the most commercial of them. Few can match the extreme discipline of skayserfingom the number taken on the basis of their commercials.

Era experiments skayserfinge not over. Sometimes, instead of the usual board athletes use unusual shells and tools, such as bicycles, skis, etc. usual, jump in regions with severe climatic conditions or trying to combine skayserfing with other extreme sports. So, there are several cases where skayserfingisty to jump from a plane over the Chilean Andes, after a series of tricks in the air to land on snow-capped volcanoes and down on the boards to their feet. It is often performed together on one ski jumping two and even three skayserferov. Attempts were made to jump on ski without bindings: it manages to stay on a few seconds. The fundamental technical innovation last time - the so-called winged costumes (wingsuits), which, in addition to skayserferov, experiment and fans BASE jumping.
Skayserfing in Russia

Skayserfing - one of those kinds of extreme sports in which Russians have achieved notable success in the international arena. Skayserfing officially recognized by the Federation of parachuting Russia. Since 1996, regular national championships. A year earlier, the Russian athletes for the first time took part in the World Championship in Germany. In 1997 the duo Valery Rozov - Alexander Krishtopa became the first team from Russia, invited to the Extreme Games. (Alexander Krishtopa died in April 1998 when the training jumps.) A year later, X-Games champion at skayserfingu was the Russian-American team Valery Rozov - Birch Cliff.

Among the most famous of the country also skayserferov Olga Odintsov, Maria Ryabikova, Dmitry Kiselev, Igor Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanov, Vladimir Kakichev etc. The most titled Russian Valery Rozov skayserfer known as the organizer of the popular "Russian Extreme Project".

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